Monday, July 5, 2010

Twist the Bad Away

Hello friends.  After my weekend of excess my mind is on twists!  Spinal twists, whether seated, reclined or something more challenging, aid in healthy digestion and help to wring toxins out of the system.  If you've had too much to eat or to drink twists are a must.  Twists also help to strengthen and stretch all those tiny muscles along your spine so they are great for during and after travel when those muscles tend to be exhausted from too much sitting in vehicles.  Right now I'm just getting back from a weekend trip to visit family.  Between a 9 hour car ride there, too many sweets, too much fried seafood, too much to drink and a plane trip home .... my body is craving spinal twists.  My practice today will certainly include as many as I can think of and I'll be throwing some random twisting into my day.

Try twisting in your chair by holding onto the chair back.  Remember to always inhale your spine tall and straight and then twist a little deeper on each exhale.  Do not twist your middle body if you are pregnant.

I hope you enjoy your week.
